Monday, January 2, 2012

25 Dec - Christmas Day

As always it's about the kids. So after a few beers at David and Huyen's on Christmas Eve it was time go home and lay out the presents.

No milk and cookies in this house. Beer and chips for this Santa.

No long after the sun came up the piter pater (read 'thump, thump, thump' of little feet was heard. They both had a stocking of little gifts and were allowed to open them before breakfast.

Always smiling when presents are around.

Daddy's are always right on hand to put things together.

After stockings and breakie it was off to church. Jaxon and Indi go to 'Sunday School' most Sundays and had been practising their lines for the Christmas Show. All the kids stayed out in the foyer until required.

The older kids came in first and belted out a couple of tunes.

Next was all the littlens, wrapped up as presents. Jaxon was all smiles as he knew we were very proud of him.

This was Indi's first time on the big stage and although she was a little unsure she did a great job and remembered her line.

Loud and proud. Good boy.

Then it was into some rock and roll Christmas Carols.

Backed up by the youth of the Church.

After church we came back to the compound, had a drink with the neighbours and then hit the pool. We had invited a few people for the afternoon and dinner. Most of them had kids so it was down to the pool.

Not a bad Xmas portrait.

'Horsing Around' (boom boom) on one of Indi's presents.

Nothing like lobster on the barbie.

Dinner included ham, turkey roll, lobster, fresh bread, salads and blackened yellowfin tuna. You bloody beauty, what a feed.

And desert was just as good.

With the projector set up close by it was time for the adults to relax a little.

Beer, wine, beer, wine, beer, wine........

Our 'middle' Christmas done and dusted. It was great to have our friends over the share the night with. Kangaroo Court is the ideal location to host any sort of event on Pohnpei so it was great to make use of it once again.

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