Monday, March 29, 2010

Fishing Tournament 27th March

The day after Nic's birthday it was a 0510 rise for a 0545 departure. Not easy at the best of times but especially hard after a few beers the night before. But we toughed out what was a very ordinary day on the water at times with current coming from three directions at once in over two metres of sea and 25 knots of wind. Having said all of that we had a pretty good day in the fish department and ended up winning the tournament. So we were stoked but happy to crawl into bed after cleaning the boat, gear and fish at about eight-thirty.

Yellow-fin tuna under a mountain of birds.

Pony with the biggest wahoo for the tournament, so we actually won two prizes.
The total catch. It was a 'Catch Five' tournament with marlin, dolphin fish, yellowfin tuna, skipjack tuna and wahoo the targets. No one caught a marlin and only three boats catching three of the five. It them came down to total weight of the three biggest target fish and we came out on top by one and a half pounds.

Number One. For this month anyway.

Nothing like fresh yellowfin sashimi.

Liduhduhniap Waterfall

One of plenty of waterfall's on the second wettest place on earth, Liduhduhniap is a spectacular place to visit. Certainly not really designed for tourists the track down to the bottom would be considered 'pretty hairy' at best. Scott carried Indi the whole way, while making sure that Jaxon didn't fall over the edge or go tumbling down the moss covered steps and Nic held onto the over hanging branching like her life depended on it. But after five days of solid rain the waterfall was pumping and the walk down was well worth the effort.

Kind of looks like a touristy place.
Finally down the bottom.

After the effort to get down nothing was going to stop Scott going for a swim. It was bloody freezing water though.

The climb back up. Time to punish Scott's biceps again by carrying Indi the whole way. Jaxon did a great job climbing the whole way up and down by himself.

The drive up and down to the waterfall wasn't the easiest either. Don't believe the guardrail is helpful, it had more rust than most of the cars on Pohnpei.

Nicola's Birthday

March 26 - Nic's Birthday. Day started with Scott cooking bacon and eggs and heading to work just a little late. Scott then took Nic out to lunch while the hired help looked after Jaxon and Indi. Then after work Scott and Nic went out for a few drinks and dinner (or so Nic was to believe). A surprise party with all the friends that we have made was organised and with the help of Pony and Heather it went off without a hitch. At about five-thirty Scott got a phone call saying that Indi was really unsettled and asked if we could come home to put her down. When we got home the party kicked off. Your first birthday on the island is meant to be a big one and Nic's went pretty well as a benchmark.

Sonsta and Brandon (the compound gardeners) helped out by cutting up the pig that Scott had arranged.
Nothing left after a couple of locals carve up a pig.

No Scott didn't make it....

Wishing for even more happy days on Pohnpei.

Sonsta, Nic and Sonsta's dinner. 'I love to eat the pig's brains' (you can have them Sonse)


As part of Australia's committment to the Pacific HMAS ARARAT recently conducted a port visit to Pohnpei to wave the flag. The crew had a great time and got out and saw quite a bit of what the place has to offer. They were glad to be on dry land after being in six metre seas for the previous three days.

First night in the boat had a 'cocktail party'. Any excuse to have a few free beers, wines and bourbons. Nic and I weren't going to miss out. This is Nic and Scott along with two of the three COs from the Micronesian Patrol Boats.
Nic and Heather (wife of the CPO MT here on Pohnpei) before it got messy.

Ceremonial Sunset. A ceremonial lowering of the flag and discharging of rifles.

We had organised the local band to play at the most popular bar on Pohnpei. They normally only play about once every three months so the sailors were lucky that it could be arranged for them. The publican said it was the biggest weekends takings since he opened the bar 15 years ago......

On the Sunday we opened up our compound for the crew to come for a swim and have a bbq. Jaxon and Indi were big hits and kept every one on their toes.


Part II of ARARAT's vist

Australian Ambassor Susan Cox, the Speaker of the House (Third in charge of the country) and the CO of HMAS ARARAT Alex Gibbs. The CO is presenting the speaker with a ship's crest from the patrol boat.
Scott is currently performing the bosses job while he is away on leave and went to the opening of congress. Pretty awesome experience. Just like Canberra; but with palm trees, 30 degrees and heaps of smiles.

The Maritime Wing Police hosted the crew to a bbq Pohnpei style.

The crew after three days of drinking were more than happy to dig into the chow, not matter what it tasted like.

HMAS ARARAT departs Pohnpei after pumping quite a bit of money into the local economy.

Maritime Law Enforcement Training

Last week Chief Steve Philpott came across to Pohnpei to train the local maritime wing police force (the guys that go out on the patrol boats) in boarding operations for when they arrest illegal fisherman. It included a bit of theory but mostly it was all practical. Take down drills, securing a resistant fisherman and (worst case senario) shooting the 9mm pistol.

Looks like fun but you wouldn't want to get punched by some of these guys.
The shooting range is in the middle of suburbia so sentries were posted to keep the little kids out. I'm not kidding....

Now who wants to resist arrest......

After looking at the targets I wasn't that worried. After ten shots each only about two holes were in the targets.

It aint all Cocktails Out of Coconuts

There isn't any garbage collection here in Pohnpei so one of the many jobs that Scott gets to do is take the rubbish to the local tip. It is the ugliest tip you have ever seen and you can smell it three miles away.

Pony (the chief stoker) nearly threw up the first time he went to the tip so he bought a gas mask to allow him to help and not add the stench.
A literal sea of trash. So be really thankful the next time the garbage man comes.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Fishing 06 March

I took the new Chief Stoker out for his first proper fishing session in Pohnpei. A 0510 rise for a 0545 departure was a bit of an effort. Especially after the Rotary Club raffle at one of the bars last night. Between 0630 and 0900 the dolphinfish were pretty much jumping into the boat. It was an awesome sight to see fish after fish launching themselves out of the water and come screaming across to have a go at our lures. We took enough to feed the three families on the compound for a the next few weeks. The highlight of the day was seeing a 200kg+ marlin jumping out of the water about 100m behind the boat. Unfortunately he didn't like our lures today, but there is always next time. Home by 1100 with every cleaned up and fish in the freezer by 1230. A great fishing day.
Dean hooked up to his first fish in Pohnpei.
Solid little dolly with the light in the right place.

Trying to get the front cover shot.

Dean with the fish of the day.