Friday, May 25, 2012

FSS MICRONESIA Arrives in Cairns

Scott headed over to Cairns for three weeks to help with the eight week refit of the FSM patrol boat FSS MICRONESIA. The first few days were spent unloading the boat, removing the remaining fuel, removing equipment that will be replaced, organising hotels and hire cars for the crew. It was a very busy time. Then there was the liaison with the patrol boat support contractor and the shipyard. Luckily for Scott they have done this many times and they provided a lot of assistance when required.

 FSS MICRONESIA arrives after a slow seven day journey from Pohnpei.

 Muchos Cudos. The crew got straight into a full working day, starting the unloading process to prepare the boat for coming out of the water. Juanito and Lewis are super stars and lead from the front.

 Fuel containers in the foreground and one of what soon became two sea containers full of 'stuff'.

 Yep, it didn't take too long before I was asking for sea container Number 2.

 The boat on the left was one of two that moved the boat into the floating dock. Nothing like a fuel diesel exhaust marks to prove you've been at sea.

 A short 'turn the boat around' trip. All the fuel had been removed so the little boats did it all on their own.

Into the floating dock we go.

Scott's back in Pohnpei now for three weeks. There'll be a lot more photos of the refit when Scott goes back to Cairns in three weeks to wrap things up and come home on the boat.

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