Friday, April 6, 2012

Compound Activities

As usual Nic gathers the masses to use the compound. Why not share what we have. The kids and adults alike enjoy the opportunity.
Peas in a pod.
Movie night on a Friday. BBQ and beers for the adults, and once the movie is up and running, there is a quietness that isn't often heard when these kids get together.
Best of friends; most of the time.
I have convinced the kids that it's okay to eat vegetables as long as they can't smell them. Whatever works......
Compound chickens become additional toys, whether they like it or not.....
Dini and the kids cool off in the compound carwash.
Who says there is nothing to do on Pohnpei? I'm not sure we want to leave at the end of the year. Another five or so years or least would be done easily.
Kids yoga. Funniest thing I've seen in a while.
Killing time on a Sunday afternoon.
Nic's at Bible Study, kids are asleep. What more could I want????
Friday night is Pizza Night.
Oh well, we'll clean up the mess later.....
As you can see, we're doing okay on our little island.

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