Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Working out the camera

Just before we left we bought a new camera. With the camera we also got access to an on-line learning package to help us take better pictures. Well I finally logged into the site and learnt a little bit that will hopefully mean the quality of the photos improve with time and practice. Nic is currently in Guam for a bit of R&R so I'm on leave looking after the kids and practicing with camera.

There is a 'undercar wash' built into the compound driveway. The kids love riding through it; a fun way to cool off. Caught a great rainbow in this photo.

In the garden we have a pineapple plant that has recently decided to bare fruit. I didn't realise pineapples were so colourful.

Just one of the many flower varieties we have in the compound.

Learning how to use the 'macro' function can be pretty cool. Well I think so anyway.

The 'portrait' and 'macro' function combined.

It's all about perspective.

On to the action shots. I took about 30 photos to get one with the ball in focus. Thank God for digital cameras.

A pretty good photo of the kids.

Jaxon doesn't do too bad as a camera model.

Playing with the aperture settings; letting more light in for this shot.

Our chilli bush provides a good 'contrast' of colours.

I couldn't get one I was happy with here just yet, but this is the best of the ones I took.

Sorry if you're not into 'artie-fartie' photos, but practise make perfect, and I need the practise.

1 comment:

  1. Nice photos Scott, did you use the Canon point & shoot that you always bring or did you use Canon DSLR?
