Wednesday, June 1, 2011

31 May - Memorial Day

Memorial Day in the USA is also celebrated in Micronesia as a lot of Micronesia Citizens serve in the US armed forces. As sadly too often happens when serving in any military force people pay the ulitimate sacrifice. This year the US Embassy decided it was fitting to honor those Micronesian men and woman that have fallen in the line of duty while serving in the US military by placing photos of them at the international airport. This is aimed to serve as a reminder to all vistors that freedom is indeed not free and these are the faces of some of the people that they have to thank for it.

The US Ambassador to Micronesia His Excellency Peter Prahar gave a great speech and thanked all of Micronesia for the contributions to the US Armed Forces.

Governer of Pohnpei State The Honorable John Ehsa responded to the Ambassadors speech and gave a moving speech including a statement about Micronesia's debt to the US for freeing the country from Japan during WWII.

The US Embassy provided a great bookley with the names of the fallen.

Initially the photos were lined up, covered and positioned down one of the airport walls.

Family members of the fallen then came forward to unveil the photos. A very difficult job to do I am sure.

All the photos proudly on display before being hung in their finally resting place.

The US Ambassador, The FSM President The Honorable Manny Mori, CMDR Gibb (USN) and I having a chat after the ceremony. We are certainly exposed to the upper echelon of society on this posting, a real 'representative posting' this year.

We Lynn from the US Embassy.

Nic in amongst the others taking a somber look at the photos.

A great occasion with a big 'hats off' to the US Embassy in Pohnpei.

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