As the title suggests, the last couple of weeks have been pretty busy. So I have attempted to put the highlights in one blog. So great a coffee and spend the next five minutes of your life seeing what we have been up to.
Thursday 5th of May
Thursday afternoon in the compound is Jaxon's playgroup. About four or five little tykes head over to enjoy the playground and the pool. It can be a bit stressful but it gives Nic a chance to have some 'Adult' conversation. I normally get home in time to jump in the pool with them all and wear myself out by throwing kids from one end of the pool to the other.
Jaxon can just about swim the entire pool underwater now. He is a real little fish. Indi's confidence is growing and she is nearly floating by herself now.
Friday 6th of May
The first Friday of each month the Rotary Raffles are held at the CoCo Mariner. People donate things, tickets are sold and all the money goes to rotary. They even have 'chook' raffles which makes us feel right at home. Steve and Noel always do a great job as the MCs.
Here's Bob having a well earnt rest by the rotary wheel.
Saturday 7th of May
The next morning saw us up at 0615 (way to bloody early for a Saturday) for a 0700 Fun Run (Fun Run: now that is an oxymoron if I ever saw one). As always the kids were dressed up as Superman and the Fairy. I towed Jaxon on his trike and Dean (and Melissa) pushed Indy while Nic and Heather pounded the pavement.
Later on Saturday night we tried out the new Weber Q. I spent a few hours during the day creating that beautiful corner module you can see behind the barbie. Boys need to build things every now and again to reaffirm their manliness.
Saturday night saw a huge crowd at the Rusty Anchor to watch Wetter than Seattle perform. Wetter than Seattle is the local 'band' that gets together every couple of months or so at the Rusty and they always put on a great show.
This time they had a guest performer with Geoff cranking out "It's a long way to the top" by ACDC. He even played the bagpipe part which really brought the crowd to life. A great effort.
Sunday 8th of May
Sunday was Mother's Day so we headed up to the Village for brunch after church. It is definately one of our favourite spots for brunch. It's a great view and the food is always good.
Sunday was also Jackie's birthday. As is Pohnpean tradition your first birthday is the most celebrated so we ablibbed because it was Jackie's first birthday on island. Nic and I spent a bit of time getting the dinner together before Jaxon and I drove around town getting frangipanies of ever colour imaginable for the table centre piece.
Nic even built a cake. Top job my love.
Tuesday 10th of May
Tuesday saw Dean and I out fishing the first day of the Pohnpei Fishing Club annual tournament. The night before I didn't home from registration until about half past nine because we had a record 31 boats enter for Day One. This is now a new record for boats entered in any tournament in Pohnpei. The fish are pretty hard to come by this time of year. Dean got this nice Mahi which ended up taking second prize in that catergory. After this we also got two small yellowfin tuna and four skipjack. It doesn't sound like much but we did better than the ten or so boats that didn't even catch a fish. I'm hoping that we can move the tournament to Febuary next year when the chances of catching quality fish in good numbers is much better.
You know the fishing is average when I have time to take photos of dolphins jumping off the bow.
Wednesday 11th of May
Every Wednesday morning Nic has a couple of littlens come over to play with Indi. Today's activity was 'bubble art'. It got the team work going with one blowing bubbles and the other placing the paper over them to see what shapes they could form.
Saturday 14th of May.
Yesterday saw Dean and I back out on the water again. A very average day on the water for us. We only managed one small barracuda and while we still beat a dozen or so boats that didn't catch a fish it wasn't by much. There were schools every where but not a lot of fish were catch. Having said that one boat was in the right place at the right time and caught two marlin in 30 minutes before 0730. But they didn't catch any fish after that so it was hard going yet again.
Last night was Prom Night. A lot of the schools have young volunteer American teachers so being the end of the school year soon they organised and 'adult' prom. It gave every one a chance to dress up to the nines, which doesn't happen that often here.
After waking up at 0415 for fishing, and then being in the boat all day I was knacked by 10pm. A bit of dancing and great conversation saw me last until about 1130 before pulling up stumps.
The dance floor at Cupids was pretty busy for most of the night.
They even had a Prom King and Queen. Stephen landed Prom King; not a bad effort to wear a tux in Pohnpei - It's hot enough in boardies and a t-shirt here.
So as you can see we've been out and about quite a lot. Hopefully the next couple of weeks will be a whole lot less eventful.