Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Lehn Paipohn Falls

We finally got our FWD into 4L as we drove over rocks, through the mud and tried not to slide down embankments to get to Lehn Paipohn Falls. After we drove the car as far as we could go it was another 15 minute climb through the bush to the falls. Definately worth it (Scott can say that now after a Radox bath). Scott once again carried Indi in and out, with Sonstar lugging Jaxon around for us.

Lunch in the middle of the road. Nothing to worry about believe me; no one else was crazy enough to drive up this road.

The falls from above.

A huge amount of water; as Scott and Nic found out when they tried to swim out to it. It was like being in a swim training pool where you have to swim against the current.

Thank God for the 10 second timer option.

One of the nicer bits of the track in and out. That's Pony and Heather trying not to get bogged.

06 Apr Pahntakai Waterfall

It was a bit of a drive and a bit of a hike in, but definately worth it. We couldn't swim at Pahntakai Waterfall but it was a good start to the day.

Pahntakai Falls on the way down.

Pahntakai Falls from below.

Indi the mountain goat. Scott wishes (as he had to carry her the whole way).

Luckily we had Sonstar with us for the day as tour guide and baggage (Jaxon) carrier.

The family shot after the walk back to the car.

Easter Monday on the boat

Before spending some time looking for Manta Rays and getting smashed on the tube behind the boat we decided to have a relaxing snorkel. Loving the underwater life in Micronesia.

Easter Monday Continued

Some sort of critter that looked like a cross between a sea-horse and a sea-snake

Black Coral. Pretty spectacular.

Nic and Heather relaxing as Pony gets dragged behind on the tube.

Just before Scott got a good dumping.

Try as hard as we could (and we tried hard) we couldn't get Nic to crash. She was the tube champion of the day.

05 Apr Manta Rays

Monday saw us heading out on the boat for a snorkel with the resident Manta Rays. It was National Geographic sort of stuff. Bloody awesome. We were as close as five metres at one stage and they didn't seem to care at all. We ended the session being towed behind the boat over the top of the mantas closest to the surface. We'll be taking the dive gear next time.....

Easter Sunday No 1

We went off for the Easter Service at our church and then came home for a little while. Then a lot of people from the church all got together for an evening meal and activities for the kids at the Pohnpei Youth Centre

Jaxon - eyes shut and praying (probably for food)

Banging nails into wood.

Indi has to be involved in everything now.

Action shot, knocking cups down. It doesn't matter how close you are, does it???????????

Look out Ringo...

Easter Sunday No 2

The fun at the PMA Youth Centre continued with the good old egg-and-spoon races.

Nothing that we never did as kids. I might take some blue-tac next year.....

Dinner is served. Everyone brought a meal along (Pohnpei Pot Luck) and after the kids activities were over it was time to get stuck into the feast.

One last activity - The Easter Egg hunt.

Indi loved get out and amongst the big kids in the rush to fill the bag full of Easter Eggs.

Easter Preparations

The compound was mowed by Sonstar and Jaxon (free baby-sitting). And we had one of our resident chickens provide the Easter eggs. Not really as we can't eat any of the eggs laid on the compound because of all the roosters. There is a real problem with rats, land crabs and cats eating the eggs and baby chicks so the chickens come up with weird and wonderful ideas to keep the broods safe.

Jaxon and Sonstar mowing the lawn.

The resident hen. Forget having any hanging plants on the back balcony, they end up on the ground; as we found out.

RH from the kitchen sink.

If only we could keep the roosters away from the hens we would be set with eggs for ever.

The resident green lizard who lives in the tree beside our house.

Food Glorious Food

Being an extremely isolated part of the world food as we know it in Australia is often a little hard to come by. They haven't even heard of Weetbix or Vegemite here. Pohnpei is mostly stocked with American style foods which tend to taste just a little different to home. So when we were offered some room in a shipping container being sent out from Brisbane we filled it will the good stuff from home.

Okay, now that we have accounted for it all, where are we going to put it??????

Half-way up the inside stairwell.

Full to the brim.


And even more. Some things will run out really quickly and some won't. Like snickers and tortillas (but that is story for another time).